Guesting Which Magazine Is Coming Soon!!
It is the first time TSANGFANYU being involved in a magazine cover story!! Could you regconise which part from YON collection on Pakho...
Interview featured in "Meet The Creatives" - Design as Self Discovery being the cover story on FASHIONALLY.COM now! Check it out!!...
Featured in What's New? on
TSANGFANYU YON collection sneakers being featured in " What's new? " by on 18th May 2015 (Monday),...
【如果你唔想著人舊鞋…】 喺呢個世界上要搵到一對潮得嚟靚、靚得嚟好著,好著得嚟你又鐘意嘅嘅鞋真係好難。不如毛孩教精你買鞋嘅至尊秘訣:識得買,一定係啱腳嘅~ 等毛孩睇下呢個款有幾啱我隻毛腳先: ...
Fashion Showcase in Youth Jam Festival 2015
TSANGFANYU is invited by Hong Kong International Youth Jam Festival 2015 to their opening ceremony fashion showcase. The Fashion show...
【大熱白波鞋,你又有無先?】 今年潮興白波鞋!你點可以無1對係手?即上 ,就有機會得到今屆YDC 「最佳時尚飾物獎」得獎作品,而家喺 5cm 獨家發售緊嘅限量白波鞋 1 對! 重等!?玩啦! (Sorry this story...
Press Featured on magazine, #113 100Most
TSANGFANYU being featured in " 040/ For Him", No#113 100毛 (100Most) Page26 on 15th May 2015 (Friday) 040 土炮港鞋 細個着CON屎,大個玩 TASTE。...
Press on newspaper, Apple Daily
Press of TSANGFANYU on newspaper, Apple Daily (C5 Page) on 14th May 2015 (Thursday), Share from Fashionally Facebook Page/...
Interview on "Meet The Creatives"- Tsang Fan Yu
Feature / Meet The Creatives Design as Self Discovery - Tsang Fan Yu Design rookie Tsang Fan-yu shares his unusual path from social...
【Zen-like White Kicks】 5cm x YDC Best Accessories Design Award
「禪味」白波鞋! 5cm x YDC 「最佳時尚飾物獎」 為何白波鞋如此受歡迎?除了有賴Céline創意總監Phoebe Philo連續幾季時裝周都穿它謝幕之外,要成為世界各地潮人的必備鞋款,其百搭易襯已經是基本條件,最討人歡心是白波鞋的款式千變萬化,你不用擔心「撞鞋」...